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Recommendations for Energy Saving

Efficiency – Do you know that with a couple of methods that you can implement easily, you may get more heated and pay less?

  • Ventilate your living areas for short periods of time and quickly.


By fully opening the windows of your room, enable air circulation in the room. But keep the duration of circulation short. In this way, the existing heat available in your furniture and walls will not get lost. At the same time, the incoming new air can be quickly heated as well.

While ventilating your living area, do not forget to bring your thermostatic valves to position 2.


  • Set your room temperature according to your needs.


The most important precondition of efficiency is consumption in accordance with the needs. Fir this reason, for example, during the hours in which you are not at home or at the office or in those rooms that are not used, you should definitely reduce the heat level. However, never fully turn off the heating, avoid complete cooling of the room.

Do not forget that, from a budget perspective, heating cold rooms costs much more expensive!

  • For efficient heat diffusion, the radiators require free space.


Avoid common mistakes! Do not cover the radiators. Covering of radiators blocks exit of the heat. Do not choose thick curtains and do not place furniture in front of the radiators. This results in isolation of the heat. Do not dry your clothes on the radiators. These mistakes result in increase of your heat consumption and you will not notify. If the honeycomb radiator generates sound, you should release the air of the honeycomb radiator. This will seriously improve your heat gain ratio.


  • Shut your windows tightly such that no air can get inside.

In certain intervals, especially during the mid-season, conduct window isolation control. Isolate the sides of the window and gaps. Following the isolation, with a practical method, place a burning candle next to window sides. If the candle light is not twinkling, then, there is no air flow. In order to prevent cold air enter into the house, close the shutters and bring the curtains down.


  • Keep the doors of the rooms closed.


Prevent flow of hot and humid air from heated rooms to non-heated rooms. In this way, by reducing the heat loss you may achieve saving.


  • The humidity levels of your living areas is important.


Humid air will be felt as warmer and it reduces distribution of harmful dust particles spread in the air. Use of plants and air humidifiers in the rooms creates feeling of relax and improves the level of comfort. In the bathroom and kitchen where the humidity is highest, the vapor formed should be quickly evacuated via ventilation.


  • Careful use means saving.


By using fixtures, reservoirs and “white goods” (refrigerators, wash machines etc.) that are manufactured with current technology, by turning off the faucet tightly, by taking shower instead of washing at bathtub for long periods of time, you may easily reduce your water consumption.

Hot water being at the first place, less of water consumption primarily benefits your budget and later, the nature.


  • Regulate your thermostatic valves according to your needs.


The thermostatic valves which are set to correct temperature in working principle will provide the requested temperature automatically. In order to stay within your budget by achieving energy saving, adjust the thermostatic valve setting according to the need. At night, when you do not use the room, while you are ventilating or when you feel the room temperature is high, reduce the level of setting.

Enerji Tasarruf Önerileri: Kullanım Şartları
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